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3 Simple Ways To Increase Your Blog Engagement

Does your blog activity seem a little inactive lately?

Are you not receiving the shares and comments you deserve?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, then something must be wrong. You spend so much time and effort creating quality content, so what must be the problem?

The answer is simple…


Engagement is extremely important when running a blog as it can tell you if people think your content is worth sharing or talking about. Let’s take a look at three simple ways to increase blog engagement.

1. Know your target audience.

    Knowing your target audience when writing a blog is very important and one of the simplest ways to increase blog engagement.

    Your blog is your brand, and you are selling it through the content you post. If you know who you want to sell your brand to, it will be a lot easier to create a blog that reels in the right audience.

    You can write about what that particular audience will want to read about. Include topics related to your target audience’s interests, values and life concerns.

    It’s also important to consider the type of advertisements you put on your website. If your blog has advertisements, make sure they are relevant to your targeted audience.

    Focusing on creating content for a targeted audience will generate engagement from that audience and drive them to share your content with others.

    2. Ask for engagement.

      I know… asking for engagement?

      That sounds desperate!


      Asking others to engage in your content is a great way to increase engagement. You can ask for engagement from friends, family members, coworkers and other bloggers.

      Don’t shy away from reaching out to other bloggers through email or comments and getting to know them.

      Create a relationship with other bloggers in your niche and promote each other's “brands.”

      But, what if you’ve already tried these techniques?

      Well, you can ask for engagement without actually having to ask anything at all.

      Increase blog engagement by adding polls and surveys to your website.

      If you’re fortunate enough to be able to, throw a contest for your audience, providing them with giveaways or gifts. You can use the giveaway requirements to increase your engagement easily and naturally.

      3. Create a social media account for your blog.

        Say it with me…

        Your blog is your brand!

        Creating a social media account, whether it be a Facebook page, Pinterest or Instagram account, can be a huge game-changer when it comes to increasing blog engagement. Your audience can find you on social media then head to your blog, or your audience can find your blog then head to your social media page.

        Because your blog is your brand, you want to advertise it as one. Reach out on social media to users who fit your blog’s target audience and comment on their photos.

        Focus on creating attractive posts and responding to all of your comments and messages.

        Social media is a great tool to increase engagement, so make sure to use it to your advantage!

        Don’t have time to write content for your blog?

        I can help. Send me a message to learn more about my copywriting services.

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