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4 Amazing Content Tips Featuring Blog Calendar by CoSchedule

Whether you're a health coach, dietitian, yoga instructor or wellness spa owner, having a schedule for your content marketing is one of the best things you can do as a business owner.

Between blogs, social media posts and videos, you have a lot to keep track of. Why not make your life a little easier by scheduling your content in advance?

Here are four tips I use to stay on top of my content marketing.

1. Plan for key dates.

    Having a plan for what you're going to share will help you stay consistent, so your audience will know when they can expect to hear from you. Having a schedule will also help you keep track of important dates or events so you can tailor your content as needed.

    If you plan to launch a new product, schedule a social media campaign in advance. You can also schedule videos or posts to coincide with certain holidays or health observances like International Yoga Day.

    2. Auto-schedule.

      One tool I use to help keep me on schedule is CoSchedule. CoSchedule allows me to schedule and manage social media posts for all the platforms I use in one calendar.

      It's a big timesaver not having to switch between multiple tools or social media platforms.

      3. Customize your posts for each social platform.

        It may be tempting to use the same copy for each social media channel but try to refrain from doing that. Consider people who are following you on every platform.

        You don't want them to feel like they're experiencing déjà vu. You want to give them a reason to continue to follow you on those channels.

        Change the image or wording for posts with the same messaging. Become familiar with what type of posts work best for each platform.

        What works for Instagram may not work for LinkedIn.

        4. Check up on published posts.

          Don't just schedule and forget it. Check in to see if you have any comments or questions to respond to.

          With CoSchedule, you can review analytics for each social media platform connected to your account. The analytics report provides insight on the best day and time to post as well as the best type of message to send for each platform.

          Here is part of my report for Instagram.

          Coschedule also lets you know how well your posts are performing. The analytics show you which posts got the most engagement, which will help you plan for future content.

          If you find a certain type of post gets more likes and comments, be sure to continue giving your followers what they want.

          Ready to give CoSchedule a try?

          If you'd like to streamline your content marketing and give CoSchedule a try, several plans are available to fit your needs. I use the Blog Calendar, which allows me to organize my blog and social media for $19 a month.

          If you're not sure what plan is right for you, CoSchedule offers a free trial. Click here to learn more or sign up for the trial.

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