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5 Social Media Graphics That Will Wow Your Followers

When you look at your social media feed?

What is the first thing you see?

It’s the graphics, right?

If that’s the first thing you notice, then the same is true for your clients or customers.

That’s why it’s important to be very intentional about what graphics you decide to post on social media. You want to share eye-catching images that drive followers to read your captions and click your links.

One thing I learned this year is that you don’t have to be a graphic designer to create amazing social media graphics – especially if you have the right tools. My tool of choice is Pixistock.

With Pixistock’s photo subscription, you get:

  • Access to over 1,000 stock photos with 50+ photos added every month.
  • Access to Canva templates to help you create social media graphics.
  • Access to their Instagram quote-ready graphics library.
  • Discounts on brand photography services.
  • Discounts on digital eBooks, courses and training.

I love my membership so much that I signed up for their affiliate program, which provides 30% commissions. If you would like to check out the service for yourself, click here.

Pixistock has been a big timesaver because I don’t have to create my social media graphics from scratch. I even used a Pixistock photo for this blog post.

Now that you know what tool I use to up my social media graphics game, let’s talk strategy. Here are some strategies you can use to wow your followers and have them coming back for more.

1. Highlight holidays and other special occasions.

On the days you’re struggling to come up with a social media graphic, look at your calendar. There may be a holiday or special observance you can celebrate.

If there is a cause you’re passionate about, see if there is a day or month set aside to raise awareness. One cause I’m passionate about is mental health, so I posted something on Oct. 10 for World Mental Health Day.

And of course, don’t forget the major holidays like Christmas, Easter, Halloween and Thanksgiving.

2. Create a short tutorial for something you think your followers will find useful.

I always stop to read those quick how-to tutorials in my feed. Pick something you think your followers would be interested in knowing how to do and write down the steps.

You’re going to put each of those steps on a social media graphic that they can scroll through. You can tell them how to get more protein, get physical activity throughout the day or take a mental health break.

3. Share an inspiring quote.

Inspirational quotes get a lot of engagement in the social media world. There is no short supply of inspiring quotes about health and wellness.

You should have no problem finding quotes online, and there are many services like Pixistock that have ready-to-use quote templates that you can brand however you want. You can even come up with your own quotes based on your experiences, which will give your feed an even more personalized touch.

4. Show them the services you offer.

Show your followers the products and services you offer. Post high-quality photos that show your product in the best light.

If you offer a class or workshop, give them a preview of what to expect. If you’re teaching Zumba, take a photo or film a short video clip showing how much fun people in the class are having.

5. Put the spotlight on your clients and customers.

Testimonials are a fantastic way to show your followers that what you’re selling works. If you’re like me, I read several reviews on Amazon before I decide to put something in my cart.

Your potential clients and customers are the same way. Give them a reason to want to try your products by creating a social media graphic featuring someone who can testify about how your products or services have helped them.

Now that you have some ideas to add some spark to your social media feed, go forth and create! If you want an assist in getting your creative juices going, be sure to check out Pixistock.

Click here to learn more.

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