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5 Social Media Tips for Your Health and Wellness Brand

Are you using social media to showcase your expertise, programs and services?

If you answered "yes," are you effectively communicating what you have to offer?

If you answered "no," you're missing out on a powerful tool that will help you connect with your clients and attract new ones.

Whether you're a newbie or a social media marketing pro, there are always new strategies to explore. Here are five ways you can take your social media game to the next level. 

1. Connect with your current and potential clients.

    Use your Facebook page to update your clients about upcoming classes, webinars or product launches. You can also quickly get the word out about any scheduling changes. Use Twitter to respond to questions and feedback. Have a special deal to promote? Share it on all your social networks and encourage your followers to share them. 

    2. Let your personality shine.

      Show your followers the personality behind the brand. Don't make every post about sales. Post something funny, inspirational or relatable. If you're a personal trainer, you can share your favorite motivational quotes or a funny fitness meme. 

      3. Share your expertise for free.

        Earn your audience's trust by sharing your expertise. Offer some free, valuable content now and your followers may become paying clients later. If you have a blog, remember to share any new articles you publish. You can also share old blog posts if the material is still relevant. Be sure to stay up to date on the latest health-related news so that you can give your perspective on a new study or article. 

        4. Show results.

          Highlight your clients who have completed one of your programs. Share pictures of their results and include a video testimonial if possible. Connect with your audience through storytelling. Telling your client's story (with their permission, of course) will help establish a personal connection.

          5. Stay consistent.

            Once your social media accounts are set up and ready to go, make sure you post consistently. Decide if you're going to post once a day or once a week. Whatever you decide, stick to the schedule. I use CoSchedule to schedule all my social media posts. One of my favorite features is the built-in social media message analyzer. The tool helps you optimize your message to increase engagement based on CoSchedule's research into each network's users, emotion and mechanics.

            If you are struggling to come up with what to say to your audience or simply don't have time to write effective social media messages, I can help. Send me a message and let me know how I can help.

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