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A Few of My Favorite Things for Copywriting

"Ink drops on paper and copying letters…"

When trying to figure out what to write today, the opening lines of one of my favorite childhood songs came to mind. I remember singing "My Favorite Things" from "The Sound of Music" and imagining I sounded as good as Maria.

This got me thinking about my favorite writing tools and led to my sad attempt at songwriting above.

Here is my list — minus the lyrics.

AP Stylebook

When it comes to writing copy, it's important to be consistent when it comes to style. I follow The Associated Press Stylebook, an authority on usage, spelling and punctuation.


I'm a better writer than designer, and that's where Canva comes to the rescue. Need to design a logo for your business or a cover for your Facebook page? Canva makes design easy.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

It can be hard to come up with an engaging headline that will catch your readers' attention. The CoSchedule Headline Analyzer scores your headline on a scale from 0 to 100. It also provides tips on how to write better headlines.

Google Docs

One feature I'm enjoying in Google Docs is Explore. The tool allows you to do your research without having to open a new window. You can cite sources, search the web and find free stock images in Docs.


After you write something, it's always a good idea to have someone proofread it. If you can't hire a proofreader, Grammarly is a great tool for checking grammar, spelling, style and tone.

Hemingway Editor

I always proofread my writing more than once. That's why I like using another editing tool to double-check my work. The Hemingway Editor checks for all the things does, but it also judges your writing's "grade level."

What are your favorite writing tools? 

If you need copywriting services, contact me and tell me how I can help.

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