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How To Be Productive When You Don't Have Time

If you're like me, you've probably said to yourself, "I don't have time to be productive."

But are we being honest with ourselves?

How many hours have we wasted binge-watching TV shows on Netflix?

How many minutes do we spend scrolling through our Instagram feed before getting out of bed in the morning?

Is it too many to count?

Imagine how much more time we'll have to bond with our families, socialize with friends or make progress on our career goals if we reclaim our time. It's time to start doing the things we've been putting off.

Whether you're a health coach, nutritionist or personal trainer, these eight productivity hacks will give you back hours of time. 

1. Create a to-do list but keep it short.

    There is something satisfying about being able to check something off a to-do list. But be careful not to put more on the list than you can complete in a day. Pick three tasks that you need to get done. If you complete those three tasks, then move on to the next thing. I used sticky notes to write down my to-do lists in the past, but I've since upgraded to Google Keep

    2. Follow the two-minute rule.

      If you haven't heard of the two-minute rule, it's about time you tried it. The concept is simple. If a task takes under two minutes to complete, do it now. For example, you don't want the small stack of mail on the countertop to grow into a cluttered mess by the end of the week. Sort the mail every day, so it doesn't pile up.

      3. Get up earlier.

        You don't have to get up before sunrise to experience the benefits of being an early riser. Try waking up 30 minutes earlier than you usually do. That could give you enough time to fit in a workout, eat a healthy breakfast or get a head start on your to-do list.

        4. Keep things tidy and organized.

          Keeping my workspace, car and even my computer desktop clutter-free helps clear my mind so I can concentrate on whatever project I'm working on that day. At the end of the workday, I make sure I tidy up my desk so that I have a clean slate the next morning. Keeping your space neat and organized also saves you time because you're not wasting time looking for things you misplaced.

          5. Put down the phone.

          Don't let your phone dictate your to-do list. You decide what you need to do next. If you're tempted to glance down at your phone every time you receive a notification, turn those notifications off. While working, set aside two or three times out of the day to check your phone and reply to messages.

          6. Schedule social media posts in advance.

            If you're managing a social media account for your business, a big timesaver is scheduling your posts in advance. There are several social media management tools available that will help schedule your updates, including Fanbooster, Hootsuite and Later. This will give you more time to focus on other things.

            7. Set up for success on Sunday.

              Use Sunday night to prep for the week. Spend 15 to 30 minutes planning your daily tasks. If you have client calls scheduled, make sure your remote workspace is set up with the tools you need for a successful call.

              8. Use email templates, then personalize them.

                Prewriting your emails is a great way to save time when reaching out to clients but remember to personalize them as needed before you hit send. You can have templates for contacting new clients before and after their first session. You can also have templates to reach out to current clients.

                Trying just one of these tips will give you more time to do more of the things you enjoy. Remember, productivity isn't about working harder. It's about working smarter.

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