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How To Serve up Good Nutrition Advice on Your Blog

First things first: You may be wondering why you need a blog.

If you’re a dietitian or nutritionist, creating a blog is an excellent way to market yourself, promote your practice and spread awareness about nutrition. It also gives you a way to communicate with clients and consumers.

Now that I explained the why, you’re probably wondering, “How do I start a blog, anyway?”

Well, I’m going to tell you.

Think of starting a blog as a three-course meal. You have your appetizer, main course and dessert.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be the “MasterChef” of blogging in no time.

The Appetizer: Come up with some ideas.

Before you write your first blog, you will have to decide what you want to write. Think about some of the frequently asked questions you receive from clients or employees.

You can also come up with topics based on national health observances like National Nutrition Month.

A great source of ideas for content is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics social media toolkit.

Once you decide what you’re writing about, it’s time to do a little research. Since you’ll provide nutrition advice, it’s important to make sure you have the facts to back up what you’re saying.

Pepper your blog with credible sources. When searching for nutrition information on the web, pay attention to how the website ends.

Websites ending in .com are more likely to promote products for profit. Sites ending in .edu, .gov and .org are more reliable sources.

Main Course: Let the writing begin!

We’ve finally reached the point when you’re ready to start writing. Remember, you’re not writing a thesis.

Write in a conversational tone. Draw readers in with humor, if appropriate, or personal stories to make your content fun and relatable.

Don’t forget to include colorful pictures. You’re posting to a nutrition blog, after all, so you can add photos of the foods you’re referring to in each article.

Look for free images on sites like Pexels, Pikwizard and Unsplash.

Coming up with a good headline is also important. You want to grab your reader’s attention by combining an eye-catching photo with a compelling headline.

The headline, “Healthy Snacks to Eat on the Go,” isn’t as attention-grabbing as “5 Dietitian-Approved Snacks to Eat on the Go.” Use the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer to come up with better headlines.

Dessert: Show off your work.

So you created your blog article from start to finish, and now it’s time to share it with the masses. Having an online presence is a must if you work in the health and wellness industry.

And if you’re an expert in your field, it’s more important than ever to drown out all the nutrition misinformation shared on social media. Be sure to share your blog article on whatever social media platforms you use regularly.

Some of the most popular platforms are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter.

For more tips on how you can grow your business through copywriting, check out my blog. If you need help writing your blog, send me a message.

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