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How To Write Engaging Copy To Inform and Motivate

If you want to write great copy that motivates and informs your audience to take action, follow these simple tips:

1. Do the research. 

One of the things I enjoy most about copywriting is that I’m always learning something new. It’s easier to convince someone to sign up for a personal training program or purchase a custom meal plan if you have the facts to back up the benefits of the product you’re selling.

2. Give them what they want. 

Be mindful that a one-size-fits-all program may not fit everyone’s needs. Find out what your audience wants before deciding what products to offer them.

3. Keep it simple. 

Make your message clear and concise by reducing wordy phrases. Don’t use “on a daily basis” when a simple “daily” will do.

4. Make your copy easy on the eyes. 

I don’t know many people who like to read big blocks of text. Break up your copy with bullets, numbered lists, headings and subheadings.

5. Make them feel like they’ve already won. 

There’s a lot to be said for instant gratification. Your audience should feel like they gained something valuable simply by reading your website or blog post.

Remember, the purpose of copywriting is to sell. You want the reader to react to what you’re offering immediately.

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