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Infographics 101: Why You Need Them for Your Health and Wellness Blog

If you aren’t already using infographics on your health and wellness blog, you’re missing out on a useful tool to help build your audience.

A great blog provides your audience with valuable information they can use. It will also boost your conversion rates.

But you may be thinking one of three things.

I’m not a graphic designer.

I can’t afford to hire a graphic designer.

Even if I wanted to design an infographic, I don’t know where to start.

Never fear. I have some tips you can use to make creating an infographic a little easier.

Define your target audience.

Consider what your audience wants to know when coming up with an idea for an infographic.

If you’re a health coach, you can create an infographic teaching your clients how to lead a healthy lifestyle or one displaying a list of recommended health apps.

If you’re a business selling natural skincare products, you can create an infographic showing your customers the steps they need to take to achieve clear, healthy skin.

Infographics make data easy to digest, so keep it simple.

People tend to process images faster than text. You want your infographic to be easily scannable, so your audience can quickly identify what it’s about and what the key points are.

This is especially true if you have an infographic using numerical data. When dealing with numbers like decimals and percentages, double then triple check them to make sure they’re right.

Use bold, eye-catching images and easy-to-read text.

Pick appealing images that provide a visual representation of the information you’re sharing. While the images make your infographic pop visually, it’s also important to make sure the text you use is large and easy to read.

Make sure you have the right balance of visual and written information.

Take advantage of free stock photos and clip art.

One tool I use to help me create unique infographics is Canva, a graphic design platform with a wide range of templates for graphically-challenge writers like me.

I love Canva’s drag-and-drop approach to design, and there are more than 100 infographic templates available.

Canva’s free plan allows you to design anything and gives you access to 200,000 free photos. I subscribe to Canva Pro, which costs $12.95 a month and provides access to 2 million free photos.

It also includes the following premium features:

  • Create animations and GIFs
  • Resize designs to any format
  • Rollback to earlier versions
  • Upload fonts and use 500 premium fonts
  • Use unlimited folders for designs

Using Canva has been a big timesaver for me, and that’s one reason I joined its affiliate program. If you would like to try the platform for yourself, click here.

Share your infographic.

When you create and publish an infographic, remember to promote it on your social media accounts to encourage even more engagement. You can also share them in your newsletter.

As you can see, creating an infographic for your website doesn’t have to be hard – especially if you have the right tools.

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