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What's on My Phone? 4 Productivity Apps You Didn't Know You Needed

I just wanted to pop in and give you a quick round-up on some of my favorite productivity apps.

As a business owner, I spend a lot of time on my phone. Whether it's checking emails, publishing scheduled Instagram posts or checking calendar appointments, there is rarely an hour when it's not by my side.

With so many things on my to-do list, I've curated a folder of mobile apps on my home screen to help keep me on track. I'm a productivity nerd, so I'm always trying new apps to see which ones will earn a permanent spot on my phone.

Here are four apps that made the cut.

Google Keep — I can't say enough about how great this app is! It's a great tool to have in your pocket when you come up with an awesome idea for a blog post, or you come across an online article you'd like to save and read later.

The app allows you to add audio, lists, notes and photos in one convenient location. The number one thing that attracted me to the app is its design. Before I found the app, I loved using colorful stick notes to jot down ideas or reminders, but I kept misplacing them.

Google Keep took care of the problem by allowing me to create digital sticky notes that I can arrange and color code.

Google Calendar — I've tried many different digital calendars over the years, and I keep coming back to Google Calendar. I love that it provides multiple views of my day, week and month.

A bonus is that my events are stored online, so if something happens to my phone, I can still access my calendar on other devices.

Trello — When it comes to managing my workflow, this app has been a lifesaver. This project management system uses boards, cards and lists to help teams and solopreneurs like me organize projects.

I enjoy logging in every day and prioritizing my projects because the layout is so visually appealing and fun.

Fabulous — If you're like me and need a little support when it comes to building healthy habits, I highly recommend the Fabulous app. This app helps you find a daily routine and stick to it.

A lot of thought was put into developing this app, which was developed at Duke University. It uses behavioral science to help you build self-discipline.

What productivity apps are on your phone? 

Of course, this list doesn’t represent all the apps on my phone.

If you'd like me to share more of my favorite productivity tools, leave a comment below.

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