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Your Email Should Focus on These 5 Things

Do you have a service to provide or a product to sell, but having a tough time convincing someone to buy it?

Enter the world of email marketing. Email is a powerful tool for getting the word out and connecting with your target audience.

You can get information out quickly and reach a lot of people at once.

But do you know how to get the results you want out of your email marketing campaign?

Here are five things you need to do when you send out your next email.

1. Get their attention and keep it.

You want people to look at your email now, not save it for later or delete it. When someone receives your email, it’s going to take them a few seconds to decide whether to open it, and there are two questions they’re going to ask before making that decision.

One: Do I recognize the sender?

Two: Is this subject line interesting enough to open the email?

When it comes to what is in the sender field, it’s more effective to put a real person’s name. If you are a solo consultant, edit the sender field so that it includes your name. 

Larger companies can use the name of the person sending the email or the primary contact.

Now it’s time to come up with a catchy subject line.

Subject lines that include numbers have higher than average open and reply rates, according to a study from YesWare. Telling your audience that they can lower their chance of getting diabetes by 90% is a lot more impactful than simply saying they can reduce their risk.

If you want to test your subject line before hitting send, CoSchedule has a free tool that will give you a score from 0 to 100 on its effectiveness.

2. Motivate them to take action.

You want your audience to do more than read the content of your email. You want them to take action.

Remember to include a call to action (CTA) in your subject line and the body of the email. Tell them what you want them to do and why they should do it.

One thing you don’t want to do is have multiple calls to action. Focus on one action you want your audience to take.

Don’t overwhelm them with too many choices.

3. Switch it up. 

Avoid sending the same email twice. Try to change the subject line and content.

If someone didn’t click on your email the first time, what makes you think they will the second or third time around. Offer your audience something that will give them a new perspective on why they need your product or service.

Add a customer success story or testimonial if applicable.

4. Build relationships.

Don’t make the mistake of reaching out to your audience only when you want them to buy something. Find ways to communicate with them without having your sales pitch in the subject line.

If you’re a health coach, send a newsletter with some healthy lifestyle tips.

If you’re a yoga instructor hosting a free class in the community, invite them to it.

Figure out what you can do to make your audiences’ lives easier without selling them something.

5. Send them directly to your product or service.

When you’re ready to make your sales pitch, be sure to send them to the exact webpage where they can sign up for your event or buy your product.

You don’t want to send potential clients to the homepage where they’ll have to hunt for the link to the page you want them to take action on.

These are just a few tips and tricks to take your email marketing game to the next level.

Send me a message if you need help writing your next email. For more tips on marketing your business, check out my blog.

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